Each Sunday at 9 & 11 am

Every Sunday morning, we offer a variety of Adult Sunday School classes that cater to different stages of life and spiritual maturity. Whether you are a new believer or a seasoned disciple, our classes are structured to meet you where you are on your spiritual journey. Each class is led by knowledgeable and dedicated teachers who are committed to exploring Scripture, discussing key doctrinal truths, and addressing contemporary issues from a biblical perspective.

Our classes cover a broad range of topics, including biblical book studies, theological doctrines, practical Christian living, and more. These gatherings provide an opportunity for deep learning, meaningful fellowship, and mutual encouragement as we strive together to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Sundays, 9 am (Room 306)
    Bereans: Philippians

    The Berean class focuses on expositional studies of Biblical books and their impact on our daily lives. NOTE: We offer a hybrid class of both in-person and Zoom. Reach out to Andy Smoak for more information. You can view previous studies at apttoteach.org.

    TEACHER: Jim Abrahamson

  • Sundays, 9 am (Rooms 229 & 233)
    Bridge ESL for Intermediate and Advanced Students

    The Bridge ESL Bible Study is a "bridge" for you to:

    • Getting to know more about American culture

    • Improving your English language & conversation skills

    • Making friends with American men & women

    • Learning about the Truth found in the Bible

    • Walking with Jesus and giving your burdens to Him

    What does it look like to live in the Kingdom of God? We’ll explore Kingdom Culture and how to depend on the Holy Spirit, rather than on ourselves to live a new life in God’s Kingdom on earth.

    For more information, contact Lily Wang or David and Judy Streich.

  • Sundays, 11 am (Room 229)
    Chinese Bible Class (Mandarin)

    Join us for a time to encourage one another through God’s Word and find community here at Chapel Hill Bible Church. The Chinese Bible Class will discuss the Sunday sermons. Contact Mark Zhang for more information.

    Teachers: Mark Zhang & Tao Huang (Elder)

  • Sundays, 9 am (Room 309)
    Crossroads: The Gospel of Mark

    Crossroads is an intergenerational class. We'd love to have you join us as we look to follow Jesus through a study of the Gospel of Mark this Fall.

    TEACHERS: Rick Hove & Andy Ledbetter

  • Sundays, 9 am (Room 311)
    Gospel-Focused Families: Psalms - The Prayers of God’s People

    GFF is Parents (of babies through high schoolers) living out the Gospel through Bible study, community, and missions. Rotating studies with adult and whole-family fellowship opportunities.

    February 9 - April 20: Psalms, with 150 chapters of poetry, can be daunting! This study will take a strategic approach to comprehending, interpreting, and applying the Psalms by breaking them into categories. We will employ literacy tools by asking "What does it say? What does it mean? How should it change me?" Join us for Bible study and community-building with other parents of kids from birth to high school!

    TEACHERS: Steven & Amy King

  • Sundays, 9 am (Room 308)
    Spanish Bible Study (Español): Cultivando una Vida Piadosa

    El objetivo de esta clase es tomar responsabilidad y ser competentes en cultivar nuestro propio caminar con Dios, entender las luchas espirituales que experimentan los líderes cristianos y saber cómo enfrentarlas, y adquirir una pasión por la santidad y un deseo de por vida de perseguirla.

    "Es triste que muchos cristianos no tengan esta aura de piedad a su alrededor. Pueden ser muy talentosos y agradables, o muy ocupados en la obra del Señor, o incluso aparentemente exitosos en algunas avenidas del servicio cristiano, y aún así no ser piadosos. ¿Por qué? Porque no son devotos a Dios. Pueden ser devotos a una visión, o a un ministerio o a su propia reputación como cristianos, pero no a Dios. La piedad es más que el carácter cristiano: Es el carácter cristiano que surge de la devoción a Dios." - Jerry Bridges, The Practice of Godliness

    PROFESORES: Esteban Polo y Gaby Correa