How to Sustain the Christian Community

How to Sustain the Christian Community

Friends, this week we simply have Scripture and a wonderful teaching on it by Rebecca Stevenson from The Well this past week. A lot is going on in our nation, our church, and our lives this week. I think this is a powerful word for us to meditate upon and marinate in....
The Primacy of Expository Preaching

The Primacy of Expository Preaching

Last week, I had the privilege of helping teach a workshop on expository preaching in Alexandria, VA at Del Ray Baptist Church. The Charles Simeon Trust – a ministry dedicated to the task of convincing, encouraging, and training pastors in expository preaching...
Bringing Our Humanity Before the Lord

Bringing Our Humanity Before the Lord

Last week, we left off with the holiness-creating power of beholding the glory of God. Now, may I ask you to picture that in your mind? Go ahead and picture yourself standing, or sitting, or kneeling before the glory of God. The glory could be the cross, or an open...
Holiness as a Byproduct of Beholding

Holiness as a Byproduct of Beholding

This past Sunday, we were reminded that the Cherubim stationed at the entrance to Eden, tasked to guard God’s holy presence and the Tree of Life, sheathed their swords once the work of Christ to die for sinners was finished. Yet, there is another very powerful text...
Planning Your Sabbath Rest

Planning Your Sabbath Rest

This past week, we studied the relationship between the Bible’s teaching in Genesis 1-2 and the methods and findings of modern science. My prayer is that our study was helpful for us in two respects. One, that it was helpful for our believing scientists that they may...