Fall Family Fun Day offers us a variety of opportunities...

Being together as a church family and community in a casual and fun way affords the opportunity to get to know each other better and to make memories. It is good for us, and late October afternoons in North Carolina are pretty hard to beat!

This event is a wonderful opportunity to serve! In fact, the event cannot happen without many hands and feet to do the work! The volunteer opportunities are ample, and we would encourage you to invite friends and neighbors to serve alongside you. The blessings that you will receive from the children's joy, as well as serving alongside a brother or sister you may not know well, will be bountiful. I can assure you.

Fall Family Fun Day is the perfect event to which to invite a neighbor or friend. It provides a low barrier-to-entry in a friendly way. Attending a Sunday service may be an overwhelming step for someone to take. At an event like the Fall Family Fun Day, one can see the church in community, enjoying fellowship and laughter; one can meet people who will then be familiar faces at a Sunday morning service. A large, easy event like this might be one's first step toward finding community.