Our heart is for the women of the Bible Church to deepen our love for God and each other as we grow stronger and are transformed through the application of His Word in our hearts, lives, and communities.
• We know that the Bible bears the roots of wisdom and life - the very Word of God given to us, so we want to be a group of women committed to studying the Scriptures together and allowing them to teach, correct, train, and equip us as Godly women.
• We also know we are called to love, mentor, and bear with one another in Gospel-centered community, so we want to provide opportunities to connect deeply and richly with other women of our church body, so that we are walking alongside and spurring one another on in our day-to-day rhythms and roles.
Join us as we dive into a year-long study through the Gospel of John on Tuesday mornings. We begin meeting on September 17, 2024 and continue (with breaks) through the beginning of May.
Large group teaching and small group discussion, as well as assigned reading and questions to guide you through the week's passage, help to engage and reveal God's truth through His word. Come drink deeply with us and be refreshed!
• Online: We collect a one-time participant fee of $50 if you are joining us for the study to defray materials and childcare costs. (See information on scholarships below!)
• Via Mail: If you would like to pay by cash or check to the church office, please mark "pay later" at the conclusion of your registration, and submit your payment in an envelope with your name on it, which session you've registered for, and mark it to the attention of Amy Andres. Checks can be dropped off at the church office or mailed to Chapel Hill Bible Church, 260 Erwin Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
• Scholarships: We anticipate having limited funds to offer scholarships for this study. If you would like to request a scholarship, please indicate that on your registration. The last step of registration will allow you to choose to pay a partial amount of the cost. If you would like to contribute to our scholarship fund, you can do so by indicating which type of scholarship you would like to contribute to at the start of registration.
It is our joy to provide an opportunity for the children of our participants (ages 2 months to 6 years) to gather weekly to play, sing, and learn about the Lord and His Word together!
A separate registration form for your child(ren) will need to be completed after submission of your participant registration. You will receive a confirmation email that will include a link to sign up. We encourage you to complete your child(ren)'s registration ASAP after registering yourself, as childcare spaces are limited and tend to fill up to capacity before the start of the study. We charge a small fee per registered child to help defray the cost of our wonderful childcare staff. This is separate from our regular adult participant fee.
Morning Session participants will collectively gather for the large group lesson in the Chapel to be followed by small group discussion and prayer.
It is our joy to provide an opportunity for the children of our morning participants (ages 2 months to 6 years) to gather weekly to play, sing, and learn about the Lord and His Word together!
Evening Session participants will walk through the week's passage and lesson on their own using the provided curriculum during the week and gather in small groups Tuesday evenings to discuss the lesson and pray.
You can register for either an in-person small group (meeting from 7-8:30 pm at the CHBC building) or virtual small group hosted through Zoom, based on the needs of your schedule.